Voice of Chechenia
Political party of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
"Voice of Chechenia"
Adopted on October 12, 2022 by the congress of the Voice of Chechenia party.


The Voice of Chechenia party determines its program goals based, first of all, on the national interests of restoring and strengthening the independence of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, ensuring the prosperity of the Motherland, establishing an environment of social stability in the country, civil and interethnic harmony, achieving the well-being of every family and the whole people.

The main strategic goal of the de-occupation of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria is entirely subordinated to these interests. Subsequently, the party sets itself the task of becoming one of the developed rule of law states with a high standard of living of the population, firmly asserting its worthy place in the world community.


1. To achieve political influence within the Chechen society, through active participation in the political and public life of Chechens, taking responsibility for solving social problems.

2. To achieve political weight before the authorities and state bodies, primarily in the EU countries, as well as the rest of the world, to become official representatives of the Chechen society for them.

3. To achieve leadership among all represented political forces in the Chechen society, to become the official speakers of the majority of Chechens from all over the world.

4. To achieve political awareness of the Chechen public and its participation in political life.

5. To achieve the focus of the entire Chechen society on the restoration of their own statehood and the complete de-occupation of Chechnya.

Consolidation of Chechens on the idea of ​​Chechen independence.

6. Countering attempts at pro-Russian propaganda in the Chechen public, identifying and combating elements of Russian agents in Chechen society.

7. Work on the preservation of the Chechen language and Chechen culture.